Hello Message

Hi I am chilili and am happy to be here...I'm not sure what this is all about yet, I will try and learn quickly though.....God Bless those who read my hello message
John 1: 9
May your blessings be many and your woes be few

Friday, June 28, 2013

I have no idea what the below message means, in quotes. but I do not post adult content, I did 3 posts and they were about my puppy, I put no adds, bad words of any kind.

Now I see I am getting adds on my blogger and can't get to my pages for the adds being over top of them, these adds are not of my doing. Please if they did not come from you, then please find out where they are coming from. I am a christian and do not use bad language, try not to lie and am honest, I don't happen to want to go to hell. Please straighten this out..
Thank You

"""Important Update to Adult Content Policy on Blogger

You are receiving this message because you are the admin of a blog hosted on Blogger which is identified to have Adult content.
Please be advised that on June 30th 2013, we will be updating our Content Policy to strictly prohibit the monetization of Adult content on Blogger. After June 30th 2013, we will be enforcing this policy and will remove blogs which are adult in nature and are displaying advertisements to adult websites.
If your adult blog currently has advertisements which are adult in nature, you should remove them as soon as possible as to avoid any potential Terms of Service violation and/or content removals.
The Blogger Team"""

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I take everything back about puppies, I just love our puppy Sasha, she is 2 yrs old now and a pleasure to have. She has learned so many tricks, she does sit, dance, walk on her back feet for quite a distance. She also waves her paws at you when she wants to play or just get your attention. 
When you drop something she is there ready to pick it up and hand it to you, I don't care what it is, you drop it and she's got it for you. I will try and get a photo of her on here as soon as I learn how.
She is constantly beside me, no matter what room I am in, she is there. I have to stop her from getting in bed with me right now, I had shoulder surgery, torn rotator cuff in 2 places. She doesn't like that to much. She has slept with me since a pup. I'm telling you, if you are in a semi-dark room you could not see her at all, she is so black, the only thing white is the bottom of her paws and one spot on her chest, hardly noticeable.
Well, I have to stop, shoulder is hurting badly, the pain pill must have worn off.
Praying you all have A HAPPY, HEALTHY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR......GOD BLESS........Gal. 2:20